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Call for papers to be published by the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – Byblos in the Letters from Byblos academic journal

The symposium theme is “Rethinking Humanities for a post pandemic world”. The symposium will be held at the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – Byblos during 2020-2021. The accepted papers will be published online and in print, and will be discussed in different panels during the symposium.



The coronavirus pandemic has shocked the current world order. For the first time after the world war two, humanity is confronting a common threat. It is time to revisit the human practices over years that lead to this urgency in terms of loss of life and loss of trust in Human kind. We normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, impunity, manipulation; wars…Shall the world get back to normal, which was not really normal in terms of human and basic Rights? The International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) is taking the challenge in exploring the current state and the needed changes to re-shock the world positively. As international Center for Human Sciences, CISH is engaging in shaping a better future for our humanity, as said Mahatma Ghandi “In a gentle way, you can shake the world”.

The CISH is calling for paper submissions to present your research in a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Looking forward to papers, roundtables, and workshops that address our humanity issues, CISH is inviting for contributions exploring interdisciplinary areas related to human development including, but not limited to, the following broad areas and topics.

Download the Topics and Areas Identified


What type of papers may be presented?

Papers should fall under one of the following categories:

  • Studies or research projects referring to one of the topics outlined above. These must follow an empirical approach, and report on the results of research projects or case studies.
  • Essays, covering an original discussion of one of the topics in this call for papers. They can refer to theoretical or methodological discussions, an analysis of published research, or of good (or bad) practices.


Paper form requirements

Papers shall follow the following format:

  • Number of pages: Ten to fifteen pages
  • Language: English, French, Spanish or Arabic
  • Font: 12-pt. Times New Roman / 15-pt. Traditional Arabic if the article is in Arabic language.
  • Front Page: Title, Name and Date
  • Second Page: Abstract
  • Full article with endnotes referencing


Evaluation of Papers

The final paper will be published in the CISH journal and discussed in a conference.

The proposals will be evaluated by the scientific committee against:

– Importance of the research objectives and their alignment with the focus of this call for proposals;

– Research must attempt to gather outcome evidence;

– Contribution to the body of knowledge;

– Theoretical framework;

– Consistency in the design and methodology;

– Feasibility and suitability of the plan of action, including timelines and deadline for completion



The abstracts are to be submitted to the CISH team using the below form by the following deadlines:

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2021

Notification of acceptance/rejection: Applicant must receive a notification one-week after Abstract Submission

Final paper submission deadline: April 30, 2021

The successful applicant will be notified by June 5, 2021.


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