Round-tables Event on Poetry, Zajal and Music

On the occasion of World Music Day, the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos organized in collaboration with the Center for Lebanese Heritage at the Lebanese American University (LAU) and in partnership with Hanns Seidel Foundation, the round-tables event on poetry, Zajal and music on June 16,2023. People of all ages joined […]

Globethics international conference: Artificial Intelligence: Ethical challenges and societal impacts

The director of the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos – Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid, partaken in the Globethics international conference entitled “Artificial Intelligence: Ethical challenges and societal impacts”. This conference was held on June 12 in Tunisia and witnessed the inauguration of the new MENA office of Globethics. The conference […]

Signing Ceremony during the Global Sustainable Development Congress in Saudi Arabia.

The Director of the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid and the President of Prince Sultan University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Ahmed Bin Saleh Al-Yamani, together with the Director of the Center for Sustainability and Climate, Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi, signed a Memorandum of Understanding during […]

Art Exhibition: How to Ensure the Energy for the Future

Under the patronage of H.E. the Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Abbas Halabi and in Collaboration with the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos, IPT Energy Center and Fabriano Lebanon organized on Saturday June 3rd the Art Exhibition on the subject “How to Ensure the Energy for the Future”. During […]

CISH Intervention in the Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia

In the Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid – the director of the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, intervened on May 31, 2023 in a panel discussion on “How to ensure effective leadership and […]

La Cérémonie D’ouverture de L’exposition D’art de Fabriano

La cérémonie d’ouverture de l’exposition d’art de Fabriano a eu lieu le vendredi 19 mai 2023 dans les locaux du Centre international des sciences humaines (CISH)-UNESCO, à Byblos, avec le soutien de l’ambassade d’Italie au Liban et de l’Institut culturel italien. L’exposition a été inaugurée sous le patronage de l’Ambassadrice d’Italie au Liban, Mme Nicoletta […]

Delegation from the International Council for Adults Education (ICAE) at CISH

The director of the International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid, welcomed on April 29, 2023 a delegation from the International Council for Adults Education (ICAE) presided by its secretary general, Dr. Katarina Popovic, ICAE Secretary-General. A working meeting was held in the presence of the director, the CISH […]


Le Centre International des Sciences de l’Homme (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos a organisé en partenariat avec le Programme MOST de l’UNESCO et la Fondation Dhillon Marty, le troisième Dialogue de Roppongi le 20 janvier 2022. Ce Dialogue portait sur la définition de la famille. Les sciences sociales définissent de nombreux concepts qui sont essentiels à […]

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