The International Center for Human Sciences – UNESCO, Byblos, organized in coordination with Students for Liberty (SFL-Lebanon), a seminar entitled “The Economic crisis in Lebanon: Challenges and Solutions”, in CISH premises, Byblos. Following the opening word of the national coordinator of SFL-Lebanon, Ms. Nour Bou Malhab who called the youth for an intellectual revolution, CISH Director Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid discussed the economic problems, petroleum wealth, and possible solutions of the crisis. It was followed by a debate animated by the economic and financial experts Dr. Nassib Ghobril, Dr. Mazen Derawan, Dr. Nouh El Harmouzi and Dr. Nizar Younes, where they presented the role of the Banking and private sectors, methods of privatization, and the sectarian system paralyzing the role of the judiciary.