EU Funded-Med Dialogue Conference: Socrite Communities through Critical Thinking
The EU-funded Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality program in partnership with the International Center for Humanities UNESCO Biblos organized a conference titled: “Socrite communities through critical thinking.” Ms. Claudine Zaarour opened the conference talking about the purpose and importance of this initiative nationwide and the Centre’s support for this activity. Director of the Center, Dr. Darina Saliba Abi, strongly convinced that the light of thought and its flexibility remains an essential factor in the foundation of critical thinking that humanity out of the darkness of wrong perceptions in the forms of chaotic thinking, and that the Center will remain the truth that embraces all activity Cultural in harmony with the leading role played by the UNESCO Organization. Then the sessions with Teacher Jihan Mubarak, who talked about critical thinking, creative thinking and its tools, to join Mr. Wasam Zaarour, Mayor of Jibil to talk about critical thinking in the general administration with live certificates of the municipality on the subject of environment, administration, etc. as well as Dr. Rod spoke Rick Swala, Head of Agricultural Engineering Department at Balmand University Professor Odin Sloum Haik, head of the legal department at the Center for Legal Information at the Lebanese University, journalist Rachel Karam, Mr. Mohamed Salim and Mrs. Heba Hamdar and trainer Joy Jaada. Activity concludes with recommendations and distribution of certificates and memorandum.
The Mediterranean Dialogue for Rights and Equality organized a conference entitled “The Development Of Societies By Critical Thinking: Think Outside The Box ”, funded by the European Union in partnership with the International Center for Human sciences (CISH) UNESCO, Byblos.
During the opening Ceremony, Ms. Claudine Zaarour (Med Dialogue Leader in Lebanon) highlighted on the significant importance of this global program and its impact on the national level. At her turn, Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid – CISH director, emphasized that the light and flexibility of thinking remains a key factor in forming the foundations of critical thinking that brings humanity out of the darkness of misperceptions in the inherited molds of thinking, and that the Center will remain the edifice that embraces every cultural activity in harmony with the pioneering role played by UNESCO.
The training and debate sessions were held with eminent speakers: The trainer Jihane Mubarak, who developed the definition of critical and creative thinking and went deeply into its tools, Mr. Wissam Zaarour, President of the Municipality Byblos, who developed critical thinking in public administration with the municipality’s live testimonies on the issue of environment, management and others, Dr. Roderigue El Balaa, Head of the Agricultural Engineering Department at the University of Balamand, in addition to the Professor Audine Salloum Hayek, the journalist Ms. Rachel Karam, Mr. Muhamad slim, Ms. Heba Hamdar, and the coach Mr. Joey Geadah.
The activity was concluded with recommendations and distribution of certificates and trophies.
Rethink, Reconnect the Med #campaign

نظّم برنامج حوار المتوسط للحقوق والمساواة  (Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality) المموّل من الاتحاد الأوروبي بالشراكة مع المركز الدولي لعلوم الانسان اليونسكو بيبلوس مؤتمراً بعنوان: “تقدّم المجتمعات من خلال التفكير النقدي”. افتتحت المؤتمر الآنسة كلودين زعرور متحدثةً عن هدف هذه المبادرة وأهميتها على الصعيد الوطني ودعم المركز لهذا النشاط. وتحدثت مديرة المركز الدكتورة دارينا صليبا أبي شديد مؤكدةً أنّ نور التفكير ومرونته يبقى عاملاً أساسياً في بلورة أُسس التفكير النقدي الذي يُخرج الانسانية من ظلمات التصوّرات الخاطئة في قوالب التفكير المتوارَثة، وأنّ المركز سيبقى الصرح الذي يحتضن كل نشاط ثقافي تناغماً مع الدور الريادي الذي تلعبه منظمة اليونسكو .  ثم تتالت الجلسات مع المدرّبة جيهان مبارك التي تحدثت عن التفكير النقدي والإبداعي وأدواته ، لينضمّ السيد وسام زعرور رئيس بلدية جبيل للحديث عن التفكير النقدي في الإدارة العامة مع شهادات حيّة للبلدية في موضوع البيئة والإدارة وغيرها، كما وتحدث الدكتور رودريك بلعة، رئيس قسم الهندسة الزراعية في جامعة البلمند ، والبروفسور أودين سلوم حايك ، رئيسة القسم القانوني في مركز المعلوماتية القانونية في الجامعة اللبنانية، والصحافية راشيل كرم، والسيد محمد سليم والسيدة هبة حمدر والمدرّب جوي جعدا. واختتم النشاط بالتوصيات وتوزيع الشهادات والتذكارات.

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